Sunday 20 November 2016

Time Management - Work vs Uni vs Attempting To Have A Social Life vs Not Loosing My Grip On Reality

I'm having a really hard time trying to juggle everything thats going on right now and it seems that no amount of time planning or diary keeping or calendar writing can help me keep on top of everything. I am currently really behind with COP and Responsive, kind of doing okay with PPP, and pretty much on top of 504 Process and Production, so I'd say I was half on top of stuff, half falling behind on the rest of it. Having collaborative responsibility in Responsive is also something that takes up time that I definitely can't avoid.

Aswell as juggling four different modules I'm having to fit in 16 hours of work at my part-time job which is spread over 4 nights at 4 hour shifts. I know these aren't stupidly massive shifts and in all honesty it's a pretty easy, if tiring, job BUT trying to keep on top of work and then go and spend all evening working somewhere else is proving to be a problem in terms of how much I'm getting done. Unfortunately, not having the job would make uni life even more stressful than it already is so this isn't something that I can get rid of, but I am thinking less hours would be a hell of a lot easier for me.

It'd also be kind of nice to keep a bit more a social life this year and also get through second year with my sanity in tact. Last year was really stressful, I was struggling with my mental health and didn't really spend time with many people outside of uni. This year I really need to make sure I'm looking after myself but also making sure I'm going out and doing things and makings friends and having a bit of fun.

I'm going to try my best to make some sort of time plan/way of dealing with everything but my shifts at work change weekly and there's always something different going on at uni every week and then it's always nice to do something for myself/with others when I have a chance.

Slightly pointless blog post but I kind of needed to get my thoughts about all this out.

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