I've been trying to compile a list of local and further afield print fairs, zine fairs and creative events to take part in if the opportunity arises. I'm finding it quite hard to find things outside of Leeds as I get the impression that print fairs, unless organised by a well established event company or organization, tend to be very local based, making it a little difficult to figure out exactly whats going on and when. Manchester seems quite active in the whole DIY community, with zine fairs and prints fairs going on quite frequently. For now, I've got a list of things together to keep my eye out for and consider other the next few months. Even though Print Stuff wasn't a huge success, I still feel print/craft fairs are an important part of my practice, giving a chance to meet other creatives, engage with the public and network in a more relaxed manner.
Print Stuff - Applied, accepted and attended
Northern Print - Applied, no response
Leeds Zine Fair - Awaiting Applications to open
Leeds Print Fair - Missed applications for summer, try again in the winter
Hepworth Print Fair
Shake Bristol
Manchester Print Fair
York Zine Fest
Northwest Zinefest
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