The main aim of my practice is to communicate emotion and feeling to an audience. Wether this is done via subject matter, process or presentation is open to interpretation but I would like to be able to make someone F E E L something when they look at my work, make a connection between the illustration and their own human experience.
I believe my work holds an honesty too it, incorporated with a bold, graphic style that combines both digital and hand-drawn processes. I am disocvering the importance of colour palettes and how these can emphasise a specific feeling or emotion and make the message easier to convey to the viewer. This is a part of my practice that I have begun to explore in an attempt to be more hoenst with myself as a practicioner and less wary of how others may view my work.
This is a new way of working for me but one that I feel happy and content with, I'm excited to explore this part of my practice more.