I'm not going to try and lie and say that I enjoyed responsive or found it really impacted my practice because it hasn't. I feel like maybe I've understood a little more how to approach externally set briefs BUT as a whole I found it pointless. I feel for the most part its just a way for the college to get recognition in the off chance that one of us wins a competition. I found myself working on briefs i wasn't interested in, for companies I wasn't interested in producing work for. I also found it hypocritical that at the same time as being told we had to do competition briefs, we were also being told to not work for free. This is irritating when it comes to competition briefs such as YCN and D&AD who offer little in terms of prize's for the winners and who also expect participants to pay for their own entry and own award if they win, it seems like bullshit. It's not really something thats up my street.
I did have a chance to work on the ohhdeer greetings card competition and this was pretty cool. I like ohhdeer, they sell funky stuff, provide a platform for a range of illustrators to sell and promote their work and seem like overall chill, down-to-earth people. I enjoyed working with a greetings card format and feel that it opened up another possibility for me. I hadn't really thought about applying my work to stationary as such, and producing work for this brief made me see that it IS something that I COULD actually do.