Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Mega Crit

Crits terrify me but mega crits are okay because i can leave my work on the table and walk away from it while other people look through my sketchbook. It was really cool to walk around and see what everyone else had been making over summer and how peoples work was starting to develop. 
I really didn't get enough done over summer, after the nightmare I had last year I needed a break from creative things and now I'm feeling ready to pick it all up again and try and push my work that step further. 
These were a few pieces from my sketchbook...

I really enjoy working in black and white (if you can't tell), BUT I really want to work on incorporating colour into my work, I feel like a lot of the sketchbooks I looked at today were a lot more developed than mine and feel that finding a way of working with colour to enhance my illustrations would start to make my work feel bit more finished? 
Also, I've started working in pencil a lot and I know that might be a little boring but I love the texture and the quality that you get from it and the flexibility it allows you to have (I can rub out all the stuff i don't like)

These are some pictures I took of work in the mega crit! I'm feeling a little overwhelmed at the quality of work I saw, I feel like i have a lot of progress to make due to the knocks and bumps I had last year... Either way, I'm feeling inspired to get making things again! 

 I really liked the textured, colourful background in these pieces, they work really well as a double page spread but I particularly like the finer lines and detail in the illustration on the left

I liked the negative space that was left in this piece! Not sure wether it was intentional or not but it looks really cool and works well with the blocks of brighter colours

I chose this piece because it made me laugh and it looks funky, 10 out of 10 for this one.